Banner of RSE Asia Australia Unconference 2023. Silos to synergy, achieving collaboration across domains. 13th to 15th September 2023. With logos for RSE-AUNZ, RSE Asia, ARDC and Australian BioCommons as key partners, NCI, QCIF, and AARNet as allied partners.

[Archive] We invite you to join us for the second online Research Software Engineer (RSE) Asia Australia Unconference from the 13th to the 15th of September 2023. This is a joint partnership between the RSE Asia Association and the RSE Association of Australia and New Zealand. The theme for this year is “Silos to Synergy - Achieving collaboration across domains” and the hashtag will be #RSEAA2023.

We would like to thank our Key partners ARDC and the Australian BioCommons for supporting us, as well as our Allied partners, NCI Australia, QCIF, and AARnet.

Finalising the unconference

  1. The final report for the unconference is now available.
  2. The [recordings are now on YouTube for 2022 and 2023])(

Key Dates

What is a Research Software Engineer?

Research Software Engineer is a broad term for people who combine programming and research skills that have trouble defining their role and value within academia. e.g researchers and academics who code, generalists who bring communities together across the research and technical domains, systems administrators who maintain research systems, and software engineers who work in the research domain.

What is an unconference?

An unconference is where the agenda is created by the attendees at the beginning of the meeting. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic can claim a time and a space [1].

For this particular unconference, we will create breakout groups for the top three topics for each session. At the start of each day we will have an introduction session to provide the participants with some ideas on what they might want to discuss during the conference. We aim to summarise topics and make these available publicly after the unconference.

An overview of what the program will look like will be coming soon.


How can I participate?

This will be run as a participant-first online unconference to ensure you have a say on how we develop the community and to allow you to share your valuable technical and social knowledge of research software with the community.

We will have three sessions in which discussion topics are suggested by the participants and one poster session. A schedule of events will be shown soon.

There are a few ways to participate:

  1. Register for the conference,
  2. Suggest, vote and comment on discussion topics, and
  3. Submit a poster, vote and comment on posters

Register for the Unconference

You can now register for the Unconference!

Register here

There are also scholarships and 20 accessibility micro-grants available. See Accessibility and Inclusivity section for more details.

Suggest Discussion Topics

We will have three sessions in which discussion topics are suggested by the participants. You can add, vote and comment on discussion topics and the top discussion topics will be given breakout rooms for each session.

Submit a discussion topic

You can see what we discussed last year in the Research Software Engineer Asia Australia Unconference Summary Report.

Submit a Poster

This year we are adding an online poster session on the 14th of September. We’re thrilled to offer you two awesome formats to showcase your research: the classic traditional poster and the dynamic set of slides.

At the end of the poster session we will be giving out awards for the posters that have generated the most interest.

Poster submission information

Accessibility and Inclusivity

We are committed to creating a safe, accessible, and inclusive environment for all participants. To this end we are offering scholarships for staff or students to participate for free, as well as 20 accessibility micro-grants valued at $50 AUD to help with internet, headphones, childcare etc.

Eligibility for the scholarships will be based on prioritising and maximising the inclusion and participation of people who have been impacted due to the cumulative effects of discrimination on factors such as race, gender, disability, gender identity, financial status,and the intersectionality of that discrimination as well as others not mentioned here.

Eligibility for the accessibility micro-grants will be based on a similar approach.

We encourage participants to apply even if they do not think they are eligible as this will allow us to prioritise and maximise diversity and inclusion. All information will be treated in a confidential manner.

Apply for a scholarship or accessibility micro-grant

You will need to provide one short paragraph to explain how you will benefit from the scholarship or micro-grant.

If you feel that the unconference is not matching up to the commitment of these ideals, please let us know by contacting the organising committee at rse2023 at

Partner with us

If your organisation would like to partner with us, there are Allied partnerships available. To see how that would benefit your organisation, please see the Unconference Partner Prospectus.

Share the good news!

If you want to share news about this event, please go to our marketing page where you can see images and alt-text to share on social media.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is designed to provide all participants with community participation guidelines.


This is the current schedule for the event. All the timings are in UTC+10 (view in different time zones).

  Day 1 - Wed 13th Sep 2023 Day 2 - Thu 14th Sep 2023 Day 3 - Fri 14th Sep 2023
12:30 PM Opportunity to meet informally Opportunity to meet informally Oportunity to meet informally
1:00 PM Welcome, Vision, Explanation, and Partners Explain, Review Explain, Review
1:30 PM Keynote 1 Keynote 2 Strategy and Policy Panel
2:00 PM First Session Third Session Strategy and Policy Panel
2:30 PM First Session Third Session Strategy and Policy Panel
3:00 PM Break Break Break
3:30 PM Second Session Poster Session Actionable items
4:00 PM Second Session Poster Session / Award Actionable items
4:30 PM Review and discussion Review and discussion Close and thank you

Contact Us

If you would like to know more or have any questions, please contact the organising committee at rse2023 at by email.